Saturday, February 16, 2013

Today was the day that I reached a my goal of running 3 miles!!!!

Quick briefing, I am going to run the Monument 10k this April and I am so excited about this venture I am taking under my wing. For the past 3 weeks I have been training with the YMCA Downtown training team and it is so inspiring. Today I woke up to a very dark sky and large flakes of snow hitting the ground. When I warmed up my car those large flakes soon became droplets of rain.....

And believe it or not, in the back of my mind I was actually hoping and praying my training session was not cancled today, I really wanted to hit the pavement and get my run on.

When I arrived to the meeting location, only half of the participants were in tow but I will still full of excitement. And I did it. I ran an estimated 13 minutes a mile at a steady pace, with two ladies that made the conclusion feel like the last slice of your moms apple pie. It was so awesome. And I left with a tee shirt.... how about that.

When I got in my car I screamed with joy, overwhelmed excited because I stuck it out, I train weekly and I am tapping into commit to self, and I have to admit, this feels so rewarding.

Set your mind to something and do it, it sounds simple, and it really is once you sit and think about it. Get it done and make sure you celebrate with a bang when it's all over with.

Next Sat 4 miles...... It just keeps getting better and better.

Until next time.

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