Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Building this CORE

The best way to gauge performance is to make sure it is tracked, researched, and rewarded of course silly!
I am proud of where I stand and the direction I am heading. I always find, and do my best to share stories of motivation and inspiration but I think I tend to skip my personal thoughts and consideration when it comes to those words (motivation & inspiration).

When it comes to your core, remember that is the center of where your energy comes from. As long as you work on making it stronger you can't go wrong. I've listed a few things for you to remember...

In order to join me on this journey in finding those abs kiss the spot reduction GOOD BYE..... doing crunches every day will do you no justice and will discourage you since results are at a minimum. Make sure your cardio and strength training are apart of your training routine.

Your abdominal muscles are just like every other muscle in your body, they require rest. Focusing on that core every other day will do just fine hun. And be sure to experiment with various exercises!!

If you'd like to have that strong core you'd better learn more about your back! There is no way to have a nice tight core yet a loose back. Be sure to incorporate some exercises that train that back, you'll thank me later.

Pay attention to what your body responds to since some moves are way more effective than others. I cuss the most when I put in some bicycles, a reverse crunch, and a stability ball crunch. This means they are effective! 

Make sure you EAT your way to a flatter belly since we all know "ABS ARE MADE IN THE KITCHEN!". Avoid sugars (especially those good ole sweet beverages) and keep a clean diet.

Stay tuned more to come on the 5 topics just touched. Don't want to put you in info overload!!!

Great night Fam!!!!!

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